Urban renewal and transport circuit

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    Project entry 2011 - Urban renewal and transport circuit, New Delhi, India: Ring rail post intervention.

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    Presentation of Holcim Awards 2011 Acknowledgement prize for “Urban renewal and transport circuit, New Delhi, India” (l-r): Madhav Raman and Vaibhav Dimri, Anagram Architects, India with Paul Hugentobler, Member of the Executive Committee of Holcim Ltd.

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    Project entry 2011 - Urban renewal and transport circuit, New Delhi, India: Aerial view.

  • Awards Acknowledgement prize 2011–2012 Asia Pacific

In the mid-1970s, a ring railway was established that circumscribed the extent of New Delhi at the time. Further extension of the passenger rail service was not integrated with other transit systems and has therefore been underutilized. The project converts this spatial resource from a restricted mono-use barrier into a multi-use civic and traffic space within the urban fabric.

By Madhav Raman, Vaibhav Dimri - Anagram Architects, New Delhi, India

Ideas: Urban Requalification, Economic & Social Empowerment

In the mid-1970s, a ring railway was established that circumscribed the extent of New Delhi at the time. Further extension of the passenger rail service was not integrated with other transit systems and has therefore been underutilized. The Changing Tracks: Re-imagining the Delhi Ring Rail project converts this spatial resource from a restricted mono-use barrier into a multi-use civic and traffic space within the urban fabric.

Urban renewal and transport circuit

Project authors

  • Madhav Raman

    Anagram Architects


  • Vaibhav Dimri

    Anagram Architects


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