Architectural Acupuncture II: Hyperlocal Design for Community

Holcim Awards Webinars look at transforming neighborhoods with hyper-localized approaches from Egypt and Canada

Architectural Acupuncture II: Hyperlocal Design for Community

The sixth webinar looks at how hyper-local buildings in Egypt and Canada tap into knowledge, skills and materials that are indigenous to a specific place. Join us and experience how the act of making such a building also engages the people that it serves – enabling the project to become truly transformative, restoring pride and often strengthening the identity of marginalized communities.

Last updated: June 12, 2024 Zurich, Switzerland

Buildings that engage the people they serve in Egypt and Canada

Ezbet Eshaq’s Eco-Classroom (Awards 2023 Acknowledgement for Middle East & Africa) is a community learning space that was built with traditional construction techniques and reused plastic bottles filled with sand in a rural setting. A participatory approach was key to achieving a safe, vibrant, and environmentally responsible building. The process also served to empower the local youth by training them in construction practices.

Holcim Awards 2023 Acknowledgement for Middle East & Africa - Ezbet Eshaq’s Eco Classroom

Holcim Foundation Awards 2023 Acknowledgement for Middle East & Africa – Ezbet Eshaq’s Eco Classroom: Community learning space constructed from recycled materials.

Muscowpetung Powwow Arbour (Awards 2023 Acknowledgement for North America) is a cultural space for an indigenous community. The design of the building capitalizes on native skills and knowhow – for instance, how local timber is sourced, cut and debarked. The center will host events and other tourism activities, thereby generating income for the community.

Muscowpetung Powwow Arbour in Canada

Holcim Foundation Awards 2023 Acknowledgement for North America – Muscowpetung Powwow Arbour: Traditionally constructed cultural space for an indigenous community.

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