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Territorial Figure in Argentina

Tidal energy landscape

Territorial Figure in Argentina

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    Tidal energy landscape, Punta Loyola, Argentina

    Aerial view of the tidal lagoon. The understanding of climate change as a global issue, in search of an infrastructural proposal that belongs and respects its context. Thinking the landscape as operative land. Isolated, almost encapsulated, to maintain the perfect ecological synchronization of nature, but meticulously thought out to show that human race is able to propose ideas that respect our home: planet Earth.

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    Tidal energy landscape, Punta Loyola, Argentina

    Based on a local, regional and international study of Patagonia, we recognized ecological, topographic, migratory and natural orders. Hence, an isolated tidal lagoon is designed based on four categories: environment, water production, energy and tourism. From them, the user appropriates this water infrastructure, generating multiple tensions in permanent relationship with the landscape. The proposal responds to the need of a person, the development of a country and the health of the planet.

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    Tidal energy landscape, Punta Loyola, Argentina

    Global issues in areas with less anthropization and greater natural resources: global gardens.

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    Tidal energy landscape, Punta Loyola, Argentina

    Global and local energy analysis and tidal opportunity in Argentina. Río Gallegos estuary research.

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    Tidal energy landscape, Punta Loyola, Argentina

    Aerial view: tidal power station and new port in activity.

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    Tidal energy landscape, Punta Loyola, Argentina

    Continental link: extension of the territory to the water infrastructure.

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    Tidal energy landscape, Punta Loyola, Argentina

    Using Patagonian resources, we designed components that connect the user with the infrastructure.

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    Tidal energy landscape, Punta Loyola, Argentina

    Dynamic pool: harnessing the tides.

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    Tidal energy landscape, Punta Loyola, Argentina

    Ecological connector: ecosystem dialog.

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    Tidal energy landscape, Punta Loyola, Argentina

    Double pathway: proximity to the liquid territory and its activities.

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    Holcim Awards 2017 for Latin America prize handover ceremony, San José

    Winners of the Next Generation 1st prize for Territorial Figure in Argentina, Punta Loyola, Argentina (l-r): Tomás Pont Apóstolo, Stefano Romagnoli and Juan Cruz Serafini, all Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina.

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    LafargeHolcim Awards 2017 for Latin America prize handover ceremony, San José

    Presentation of the Next Generation prizes for projects in Argentina (l-r): Carlos Espina, CEO LafargeHolcim in Argentina congratulates winners of the Next Generation 1st prize Juan Cruz Serafini, Tomás Pont Apóstolo and Stefano Romagnoli, together with Mariela Marchisio, Dean of Architecture, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba who received the prize on behalf of the winning team of the 3rd prize.

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    LafargeHolcim Awards 2017 for Latin America media briefing, San José

    Stefano Romagnoli - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina, Next Generation 1st prize winner for Tidal energy landscape, Punta Loyola, Argentina at the media briefing.

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    LafargeHolcim Awards 2017 for Latin America second day program, San José

    Celebrating the success of teams from Argentina in the Next Generation category (l-r): Mariela Marchisio, Dean of Architecture, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba with Tomás Pont Apóstolo (1st), Javier Giorgis (event guest), Juan Cruz Serafini (1st) and Stefano Romagnoli (1st) all from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina.

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    Tidal energy landscape, Punta Loyola, Argentina

    Project authors (l-r): Juan Cruz Serafini, Stefano Romagnoli and Tomás Pont Apóstolo, architects, National University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina.

  • Next generation Next Generation 1st prize 2017–2018 Latin America
  • Awards Ideas prize 2017–2018 Global

Infrastructure-landscape project for the generation of electric power based on tidal currents in the Río Gallegos estuary at Punta Loyola in Argentina. To support emerging professionals to conduct leading edge, practice-related research in the field of sustainable construction, the Holcim Foundation provided a Research in Practice Grant (RPG) of USD 75,000 to three young architects who had initially developed their research together at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba in Argentina.

By Tomás Pont, Juan Cruz Serafini, Stefano Romagnoli - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina

Ideas: Urban Requalification

Addressing the potential ramifications of human-induced climate change on the natural environment, the authors propose an infrastructure for the use of tidal energy in Río Gallegos estuary at Punta Loyola in Argentina. The project merges infrastructure, landscape, and architecture in a magnificent natural setting.

The RPG funding and mentoring allowed the team to expose their so far intuitively developed ideas to the scrutiny of a broad range of experts in the fields of tidal energy production, marine biology, and environmental politics.

Territorial Figure in Argentina

Project authors

Tidal energy landscape, Punta Loyola, Argentina

Using Patagonian resources, we designed components that connect the user with the infrastructure.

The project demonstrates that infrastructure must not remain hidden, but can be used in its aesthetic potential, combining technology and beauty to create an intervention that is in sync with nature. Holcim Awards 2017 jury for Latin America

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