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Sounding Board Zurich

Exploring novel ideas for sustainable construction

The Holcim Foundation Sounding Board enables built environment innovators to explore their ideas with industry-leading peers.

The new format event provides start-ups, academics, researchers, and architects with an agile platform to receive peer feedback on their novel ideas that challenge conventional building practices.


Digital rebar: An opportunity for material-efficient construction

Ammar Mirjan presented the benefits of robotic rebar solutions at the first Holcim Foundation Sounding Board – which enables built environment innovators to explore their ideas with industry-leading peers. The new format event provides start-ups, academics, researchers, and architects with an agile platform to receive peer feedback on their novel ideas that challenge conventional building practices.

7DayHouse: Fabrication-aware generative design

Anton Savov explored how better housing solutions in densely populated urban areas can be achieved using collaborative AI, mixed reality, and a product platform that employs digitally fabricated timber to revolutionize the approach to scale at the Holcim Foundation Sounding Board.

Beyond recycling: Why reuse is vital for resilience and regeneration

Brandon Byers presents how upstream crowd-sourcing of data from our built environment can enable the reuse of building elements, and further result in better community resilience to build more resource-efficiently in both steady-state urban development and post-hazard reconstruction.


Industry Experts

  • Magali Anderson

    Chief Sustainability & Innovation Officer (CSIO), Holcim


  • Agnès Petit Markowski

    Founder & CEO, MOBBOT


  • Mehran Zaker

    Investment Director, Emerald Technology Ventures


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