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    Project update June 2014 – Ecological dwelling in a semi-desert zone, near Tamanar, Morocco

    Ecological dwelling in a semi-desert zone, Erfoud, Morocco

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    Project entry 2005 Africa Middle East – Ecological dwelling in a semi-desert zone, Erfoud, Morocco

    Ecological dwelling in a semi-desert zone, Erfoud, Morocco: AA-cup thermal balances

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    Project entry 2005 Africa Middle East – Ecological dwelling in a semi-desert zone, Erfoud, Morocco

    Ecological dwelling in a semi-desert zone, Erfoud, Morocco: Basement plan

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    Project entry 2005 Africa Middle East – Ecological dwelling in a semi-desert zone, Erfoud, Morocco

    Ground floor plan

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    Project entry 2005 Africa Middle East – Ecological dwelling in a semi-desert zone, Erfoud, Morocco

    Mezzanine plan.

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    Project entry 2005 Africa Middle East – Ecological dwelling in a semi-desert zone, Erfoud, Morocco

    Sections BB and CC.

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    Project entry 2005 Africa Middle East – Ecological dwelling in a semi-desert zone, Erfoud, Morocco

    Optimization approach.

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    Project entry 2005 Africa Middle East – Ecological dwelling in a semi-desert zone, Erfoud, Morocco

    Holcim Awards Acknowledgement 2005 - Africa Middle East prize authors Laurent Moulin and Kenza Soussan.

While modest in scale, this entry from Morocco presents an innovative synthesis of bioclimatic knowledge. It responds both rationally and poetically to the harsh conditions of a semidesert environment. The team is given merit for their integration of contemporary passive thermal control principles with traditional Islamic architecture. The work suggests broad-range applicability in similar climate zones. The dwelling unit is equipped with all the necessary amenities for residents and achieves autonomy in terms of energy use. 

Last updated: April 07, 2005 Erfoud, Morocco

Also worthy of merit is the use of natural material resources in construction that optimize operation and maintenance, as well as the selection of robust products and technologies. Noteworthy innovations include the wind scoop and underground coupling, as well as renewable resource technology such as wind generators for electricity. The work provides a clear example of design ingenuity coupled with sensitivity and technical skill.