Improving the quality of informal settlements
The design aims to improve the deteriorating physical and social conditions of the Bukit Jarian Kampong in Bandung. Two mutually-dependent measures are initiated. First, the scheme introduces a sanitation hub as public space in the center of the slum. Second, the project’s objective is to restore the polluted river, which has been used for an extensive period as a garbage dump.
Last updated: June 29, 2015 Bandung, Indonesia
The design aims to improve the deteriorating physical and social conditions of the Bukit Jarian Kampong in Bandung. Two mutually-dependent measures are initiated. First, the scheme introduces a sanitation hub as public space in the center of the slum. Second, the project’s objective is to restore the polluted river, which has been used for an extensive period as a garbage dump.
Designed in a square pattern of bridges, buildings and platforms over a landfill bordering the river, the proposed hub is accessible from several sides, opening connections to the neighborhood while providing a range of public amenities, such as public toilets, a recycling facility and a learning center.
Read project feature in 4th Holcim Awards 2014/2015 (flip-book)