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    The buildings of the Hermosillo plant are an appropriate aesthetic, cultural, and physical response to the desert setting, with simple building forms, natural colors, passive and active cooling strategies, and landscaping with indigenous flora.

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    Incorporating the latest technology to minimize electrical and thermal energy consumption, the plant shows outstanding operational efficiency and economic performance.

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    The Hermosillo buildings are designed to provide a comfortable, healthy, and open working environment that promotes social coherence and teamwork.

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    Producing cement in the desert – Holcim Apasco plant in Hermosillo, Mexico

The USD 400 million Holcim Apasco cement plant project in Hermosillo, Mexico is a greenfield plant that went into service in the first quarter of 2011 and is designed to produce 1.6 million tonnes of high-quality cement annually. The Hermosillo cement plant sets new standards for safety design, thermal efficiency, water efficiency, and environmental stewardship.

Last updated: August 03, 2017 Hermosillo, Mexico

The USD 400 million Holcim Apasco cement plant project in Hermosillo, Mexico is a greenfield plant that went into service in the first quarter of 2011 and is designed to produce 1.6 million tonnes of high-quality cement annually. The Hermosillo cement plant sets new standards for safety design, thermal efficiency, water efficiency, and environmental stewardship.

Incorporating the latest technology to minimize electrical and thermal energy consumption, the plant shows outstanding operational efficiency and economic performance. Specific clinker cost is among the lowest in the Holcim Group. The plant is laid out for the economical addition of a second kiln link at any time without disrupting production. From quarry to dispatch, everything necessary is sized for double-capacity. The extra cost of oversizing today is a well-considered investing in the future.

The cement plant was built within budget, and commissioning was meticulously conducted. The investment paid off: startup was one of the smoothest on record, with operational targets achieved within 24 hours. The plant equipment and buildings incorporate high-quality and durable materials for a long useful lifespan. All structures are designed to require low maintenance and to be economically adapted to meet changing requirements over time.

Read book announcement: A step towards sustainable development: Cement production facilities in Mexico »