Creating fountains of hope in Medellín through urban intervention
Banking on symbiotic nature-based solutions
The project integrates water, light and landscape as an integral part of the city identity. Image: Sergio Gómez.
Creating fountains of hope in Medellín through urban intervention
Banking on symbiotic nature-based solutions
Last updated: November 07, 2023 Medellín, Colombia
The scheme takes inspiration from the site’s history, topography and structure of the existing tanks. It aims to encourage citizen interaction through planned, and sometimes spontaneous, recreational activities.

For us it was clear from the beginning that we wanted to preserve the site’s positive qualities and create a multifunctional facility – using what already exists. Luis Tombé Project Architect
Integrating landscape with the urban fabric
The purpose was to promote culture and the dissemination of knowledge through the interaction of public and private actors in the community. The site for UVA de La Imaginación included four tanks, two of which were already disused. The other two were still a part of the water supply system of the city.
Thus, a major challenge of the project was to open the site to the community without affecting operation. This was done through the reuse of infrastructure and inclusive design. Open, dynamic green spaces were introduced and a series of terraces were planned to accommodate the public program. Trails around the repurposed tanks and across the site offer access to other parts of the city.
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