Hélène Lombois-Burger

R&D Project Manager for Digital Design & Fabrication, Holcim Innovation Center

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    Hélène Lombois-Burger is R&D Project Manager for Digital Design & Fabrication at the Holcim Innovation Center near Lyon, France and was a member of the Holcim Awards jury for region Europe in 2020.

Hélène Lombois-Burger is R&D Project Manager for Digital Design & Fabrication at the Holcim Innovation Center near Lyon, France and was a member of the Holcim Awards jury for region Europe in 2020.

Last updated: July 15, 2021 Lyon, France

Her role focuses on innovative solutions that create value for customers. Solutions are developed in a collaborative ecosystem across the value chain including design, materials, process and applications. She was appointed in February 2019.

Hélène Lombois-Burger was Construction Development Lab Head (2015-19) where she managed a portfolio of projects to develop innovative construction systems, including construction engineering and real scale prototyping.

Her previous positions at Holcim include R&D Program Manager – Structure & Envelope of Building (2013-15); R&D Competency Group Leader – Mix Design & Placing (2010-13); and R&D Project Manager (2007-10), with development of several innovations (insulating mineral foam with related construction systems, on-board system of rheology control, triggered concrete).

She holds a Master of Engineering (2000) from École Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris (ESPCI ParisTech, France) and a PhD in Materials Science (2003), from Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, France. She began her career as an R&D engineer and project manager with Italcementi (2003-07).

Hélène Lombois-Burger was a member of the Holcim Awards jury for region Europe in 2020.

She participated in the first Roundtable to prepare the topics of the Holcim Forum for Sustainable Construction in 2020.