Measures taken to reduce CO2 emissions
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High-Performance Tower in Australia
Diversity of Experience: Serving as a secondary access route to the south at grade, the Link Zone path extends the energy of the new Central Square into the heart of the site and, via Henry Dean Plaza, the balance of the Tech Precinct.
Atlassian has a strong commitment to be a role model company in sustainability and forms part of the RE100 program, which commits companies to accelerate change towards zero carbon and 100% renewable energy.
The project commitments to reduce carbon include: 50% less embodied carbon with a hybrid steel/timber/concrete high-rise building structure, 50% less energy demand compared to a new conventionally operated building and a maximized on-site production of minimum 500 MWh/y with PV panels in the vertical facades. From the beginning of building operation in 2024, the building will be supplied with 100% recently added low carbon renewable electricity.
Last updated: November 13, 2021 Sydney, Australia