Energy, water and waste efficient military installation

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    Project entry 2011 - Energy, water and waste efficient military installation, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA: Greenstreets and hydrology.

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    Holcim Awards Acknowledgement prize for "Energy, water & waste efficient military installation", Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA (l-r): Angela Curtis, Lindsey Matetich, Sera Murphy, Kelli Polzin, Jennifer Ramirez, Greg Gilkison, Lyndsey Pruitt, Daniel Brauch, Andy Temeyer, Parker Sherard, Kenney Simmons, US Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC, USA & Bernard Terver, Area Manager US of Holcim Ltd

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    Project entry 2011 - Energy, water and waste efficient military installation, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA: The holistic integration of multiple scales of the built environment maximizes net gains.

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    Project entry 2011 - Energy, water and waste efficient military installation, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA: SYMCOM: integrated living community.

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    Project entry 2011 - Energy, water and waste efficient military installation, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA: Facility redesign: energy use.

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    Project entry 2011 - Energy, water and waste efficient military installation, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA: Energy, water, waste strategy.

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    Project entry 2011 - Energy, water and waste efficient military installation, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA: A phased implementation plan.

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    Project entry 2011 - Energy, water and waste efficient military installation, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA: A phased implementation plan.

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    Project entry 2011 - Energy, water and waste efficient military installation, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA: Facility redesign: BT complex.

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    Project entry 2011 - Energy, water and waste efficient military installation, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA: Facility redesign: AIT complex.

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    Project entry 2011 - Energy, water and waste efficient military installation, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA: Facility redesign: barracks.

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    Project entry 2011 - Energy, water and waste efficient military installation, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA: Team picture.

  • Awards Acknowledgement prize 2011–2012 North America

This pilot project for an army base in Missouri is a case study for a 20-year master plan to change the planning of all 280 American military installations to a state of net positive energy, net zero water, and net zero waste. The project reflects the specific requirement of the military in relation to sustainability, with an additional motivation for independent systems to withstand disasters.

By Lyndsey Deaton-Pruitt - University of Oregon and

Ideas: Embodied Carbon

The Integrated Living Community pilot project for an army base in Missouri is a case study for a 20-year master plan to change the planning of all 280 American military installations to a state of net positive energy, net zero water, and net zero waste.

The project reflects the specific requirement of the military in relation to sustainability, with an additional motivation for independent systems to withstand disasters.

Energy, water and waste efficient military installation

Project authors

  • Lyndsey Deaton-Pruitt

    University of Oregon

  • Angela Curtis

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • CT
    Cambrey Torres

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • MV
    Matthew Valentine

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • Jennifer Ramirez

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • SM
    Sara Murphy

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • KN
    Keane Nishimoto

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • TD
    Tracy Dorgan

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • MR
    Martin Regner

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • Dan Brauch

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • LC
    Leslie Campbell

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • PS
    Paul Szempruch

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • KN
    Keane Nishimoto

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • KN
    Keane Nishimoto

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • PS
    Parker Sherard

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • SB
    Sean Beville

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • Andy Temeyer

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • NW
    Nathalie Westervelt

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • ES
    Elizabeth Smith

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • RM
    Ryan Murphy

  • Kenney Simmons

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • LR
    Laura Ruf

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • GG
    Greg Gilkison

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • Kelli Polzin

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • Lindsey Matetich

    US Army Corps of Engineers


  • KN
    Keane Nishimoto

    US Army Corps of Engineers


Project updates