Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

Upgrade using circular material flows

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    Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

    An architecture firm shows how high-quality buildings can be constructed primarily using salvaged materials.

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    Global Holcim Awards Gold and Holcim Awards Gold Europe

    Winner presentation to Extending the Cycle - Upgrade using circular material flows, Winterthur, Switzerland (l-r): Jeannette Kuo, Head of the Holcim Awards jury for Europe 2020; Clemens Wögerbauer, Commercial Director of Holcim Switzerland; Eric Honegger, Barbara Buser, Benjamin Poignon, Pascal Hentschel, Kerstin Müller, baubüro in situ, Basel and Zurich, Switzerland; and Hashim Sarkis, Head of the Global Holcim Awards jury 2021

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    Global Holcim Awards Gold and Holcim Awards Gold Europe

    Celebrating the announcement of the competition's top prize to Extending the Cycle in Switzerland (l-r): Jeannette Kuo, Head of the Holcim Awards jury for Europe 2020, Clemens Wögerbauer, Commercial Director of Holcim Switzerland, Eric Honegger, Barbara Buser, Benjamin Poignon, Pascal Hentschel, Kerstin Müller, baubüro in situ, Basel and Zurich, Switzerland; and Hashim Sarkis, Head of the Global Holcim Awards jury 2021.

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    Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

    Reused building components and their impact in CO2/kg.

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    Global Holcim Awards Gold and Holcim Awards Gold Europe

    Winner presentation to Extending the Cycle - Upgrade using circular material flows, Winterthur, Switzerland (l-r): Maria Atkinson, Chairperson of the Holcim Foundation (at podium); Dirk E Hebel, Member of the Academic Committee of the Holcim Foundation, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany; Eric Honegger, Kerstin Müller, Barbara Buser, and Pascal Hentschel, baubüro in situ; Jeannette Kuo, Head of the Holcim Awards jury for Europe 2020; and Benjamin Poignon, baubüro in situ.

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    Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

    Concept drawing of K 118.

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    Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

    Deconstruction industrial windows.

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    Global Holcim Awards Gold and Holcim Awards Gold Europe

    Barbara Buser (left), baubüro in situ, Basel and Zurich, Switzerland receives the Global Holcim Awards Gold trophy as a member of the winning team for Extending the Cycle in Switzerland from Hashim Sarkis, Head of the Global Holcim Awards jury 2021

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    Global Holcim Awards Gold and Holcim Awards Gold Europe

    Barbara Buser (right), baubüro in situ, Basel and Zurich, Switzerland receives the Holcim Awards Gold for Europe from Dirk E Hebel, Member of the Academic Committee of the Holcim Foundation, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany

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    Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

    Deconstruction corrugated aluminium sheets.

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    Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

    Deconstruction steel structure.

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    Global Holcim Awards Gold and Holcim Awards Gold Europe

    Barbara Buser (center), baubüro in situ, Basel and Zurich, Switzerland is congratulated by Clemens Wögerbauer, Commercial Director of Holcim Switzerland for winning the Global Holcim Awards Gold as team member Benjamin Poignon looks on.

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    Global Holcim Awards Gold and Holcim Awards Gold Europe

    Barbara Buser, baubüro in situ, Basel and Zurich, Switzerland shares insights into her approach to sustainability as a member of the Global Holcim Awards Gold winning team for Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

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    Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

    Prototype facade, 1:1 scale.

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    Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

    Balcony concept.

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    Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

    Interior design concept.

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    Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

    The solutions to reduce construction waste are specific to the country’s construction industry. Once people decide to take action, the solutions depend on the economical set up of the country and the local availability of materials, labor force, production lines, etc.

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    Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

    Structural concept.

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    Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

    Exterior access balcony with granite slabs. The slabs used to be facade cladding. In order to fulfill the necessary slip resistance required for a floor, the slabs were turned upside down.

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    Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

    Floor plans.

  • Awards Gold 2020–2021 Global
  • Awards Gold 2020–2021 Europe

By Michèle Brand, Pascal Hentschel, Marc Angst, Kerstin Müller, Barbara Buser, Benjamin Poignon - baubüro in situ, Basel, Switzerland and

Ideas: Urban Metabolisms, Embodied Carbon , Circular Design, Circular Materials & Building Components

A building repurposing and extension exemplifies how design processes can be turned upside-down in favor of circular construction.

Extending the Cycle in Switzerland

Project authors

  • Michèle Brand

    baubüro in situ


  • Extending the Cycle in Switzerland
    Pascal Hentschel

    baubüro in situ


  • Extending the Cycle in Switzerland
    Marc Angst

    baubüro in situ


  • Extending the Cycle in Switzerland
    Kerstin Müller

    baubüro in situ


  • Extending the Cycle in Switzerland
    Barbara Buser

    baubüro in situ


  • Extending the Cycle in Switzerland
    Benjamin Poignon

    baubüro in situ


  • Katrin Pfäffli



  • FNB
    Fachstelle Nachhaltiges Bauen

    Amt für Hochbauten Stadt Zürich


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