
Tzu-Jung Huang, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan
Meta(bio)lism explores innovative masonry systems and bio-bricks while tackling flooding issues exacerbated by climate change and overdevelopment. Also, it promotes vernacular architecture by utilizing locally sourced materials which are pineapple leaf fiber and kaolin soil.
The chosen site is Dashu, which is an important source for kaolin soil, a high quality clay primarily used for brick production in Taiwan. The soil used to be an economic catalyst, contributing to the prosperity in this region in the 1960s. However, the huge surge in the use of concrete, steel and glass in construction has made bricks obsolete as a construction material. This phenomenon has also resulted in the loss of their heritage and cultural traditions such as the amazing craftsmanship in Dashu, which is irreplaceable and invaluable.