Microlibrary in Indonesia

Learning Center – “Microlibrary Fibonacci”

Microlibrary in Indonesia

Learning Center – “Microlibrary Fibonacci”

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    Global Holcim Awards finalist entry 2018 – Microlibrary

    Microlibrary Fibonacci as an “urban ruin” in the middle of the lush park. The parametrically designed, spirally arrayed structure blends in while at the same time, stands out.

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    Microlibrary in Indonesia

    Each Microlibrary has a unique context and community. Some have become neighborhood icons, frequented by kids, teenagers, and locals for a variety of activities beyond just reading.

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    Holcim Awards 2017 for Asia Pacific prize handover ceremony, Kuala Lumpur

    Winners of the Holcim Awards Silver 2017 for Asia Pacific (l-r): Florian Heinzelmann and Daliana Suryawinata, SHAU, Bandung, Indonesia for Learning center, Bandung, Indonesia. Using simple construction, this microlibrary creatively promotes literacy and community across Indonesia.

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    Microlibrary in Indonesia

    The goal was to create welcoming, small-scale libraries, bridging the gap between mobile libraries and larger city institutions.

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    Microlibrary in Indonesia

    Microlibrary: front view.

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    Holcim Awards 2017 Silver winners for Asia Pacific

    Architects Florian Heinzelmann and Daliana Suryawinata from SHAU won the Silver Award in Asia Pacific and view the use of material and passive climate strategies as key to the project's sustainability.

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    Microlibrary in Indonesia

    Set within a park, the Microlibrary Fibonacci aims to raise literacy by offering attractive spaces for reading.

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    Global Holcim Awards finalist entry 2018 – Microlibrary

    With the concept of a modern urban ruin in the park, parametrically-designed, spirally-arrayed, curved concrete ribs are designed to hold a light-weight roof with a moss-textured finish. Opened to all sides.

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    Global Holcim Awards finalist entry 2018 – Microlibrary

    Microlibrary Helicoid, Babakan Sari: this microlibrary is designed with flowing geometry, that is a helicoid with dual-usage space while having a minimum footprint. Located in the middle of an urban plaza surrounded by a clinic, a school, a district office and a military base.

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    Holcim Awards prizewinner reception – Jakarta, Indonesia

    Presenting the Global Holcim Awards finalist certificate (l-r): project architect Daliana Suryawinata, SHAU receives the finalist certificate from Oepoyo Prakoso, Sustainable Development Manager, Holcim Indonesia; in the background Next Generation prize winner Andi Subagio, SASO Architecture Studio and Gunawan Tjahjono, Professor of Architecture, University of Indonesia.

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    Holcim Awards prizewinner reception – Jakarta, Indonesia

    How does sustainable construction support the Indonesian government to improve the quality of education? Q&A session with (l-r): Daliana Suryawinata, SHAU; Andi Subagio, SASO Architecture Studio and Gunawan Tjahjono, Professor of Architecture, University of Indonesia.

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    Global Holcim Awards finalist entry 2018 – Microlibrary

    1:1 partial mock ups of rib corners (12cm thickness) to demonstrate structural abilities, surface quality, and precision of the shotcrete construction.

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    Global Holcim Awards finalist entry 2018 – Microlibrary

    Microlibrary Lansia, Lansia Park: The second microlibrary in a lush park in the center of Bandung hosting public musholla and toilets. The façade uses PVC pipes of various diameters and lengths where the large pipes are positioned according to the program they represent.

  • Awards Silver 2017–2018 Asia Pacific
Using simple construction, this “micro” library by SHAU architects creatively promotes literacy and community in Bandung and across Indonesia. Set within a park, the social infrastructure project aims to raise literacy by offering attractive spaces for reading.

By Daliana Suryawinata, Florian Heinzelmann - SHAU, Bandung, Indonesia

The proposal is part of a larger project to construct a network of libraries across the country. It will be the fourth completed by the group, each with a unique, site-specific design. SHAU set up the program in 2012 to implement a network of community-run micro-libraries across Southeast Asia. This typology is intended to bridge the gap between mobile ‘books-on-wheels’ libraries and larger city-scale institutions.

Each micro-library is undertaken with different partners and funding models. It experiments with material, social and climatic strategies in architecture to address the needs of the community it is intended for. Eight of these micro-libraries have already reached various stages of completion; several more are on the way. By putting together simple components in a creative way, the project achieves complexity with minimal means.

Status: 8 Microlibraries Completed – 2024

Microlibrary in Indonesia

Project authors

Especially compelling is the specificity of each individual project – every building responds to the needs of the local community and the urban context. Holcim Awards 2017 Jury for Asia Pacific

"Lightweight & Passive" – Sustainable design by SHAU

Architects Florian Heinzelmann and Daliana Suryawinata from SHAU won the Silver Award in Asia Pacific and view the use of material and passive climate strategies as key to the project's sustainability. Set within a park in Bandung, this “Microlibrary” is part of a larger project to raise literacy via a network of libraries across Indonesia.

Words with Winners

SHAU’s Microlibraries project won a Holcim Foundation Award in 2018, recognized for its innovative and sustainable contribution to literacy and community engagement in Indonesia. By integrating these libraries into the community fabric, SHAU aims to not only promote literacy but also offer public gathering spaces that foster social engagement.

Microlibrary in Indonesia

Each Microlibrary has a unique context and community. Some have become neighborhood icons, frequented by kids, teenagers, and locals for a variety of activities beyond just reading.

We sit down with Daliana Suryawinata and Florian Heinzelmann, co-founders of SHAU, to explore the evolution of the Microlibraries, their design philosophy, and how the Holcim Foundation Award has impacted their practice and the communities they serve.

  • “We wanted to create infrastructure that is not just a place for books, but an interesting place for the community to gather and interact.”

    Daliana Suryawinata | SHAU, Indonesia

  • “Our goal with the Microlibraries is to create comfortable spaces without the need for air conditioning – using passive strategies to make the spaces comfortable in the tropical climate.”

    Florian Heinzelmann | SHAU, Indonesia

Project authors

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