“Generating sustainable businesses and a strong basis for circular economy models”

Project description by jury
The proposal tackles issues linked to unhealthy fishing practices and the lack of adequate sanitation systems in Mahim Koliwada, a neighborhood of Mumbai that emerged from an ancient fishing village. Starting from a bottom-up approach that involves several stakeholders, including the Urban Design Research Institute (UDRI) of Mumbai, NGOs and community members, the project suggests new multipurpose infrastructures for the district. The design focuses on different zones of intervention moving from the river to the urban front. On the coastline, new jetties and farm areas improve fishing activities; next to them, community spaces mingle with fish equipment storage and a recycling center; a third zone allocates facilities for fish cleaning and drying operations as well as a kindergarten and workshops; finally, a segment facing the urban front hosts an open market, community kitchens, an Internet café and a center for compost and biogas production. The project also aids the mangrove ecosystem recovery of the Mithi River to reduce the risk of flooding and trap trash in the water. In so doing, the infrastructure gives rise to new dynamics of water, waste, and energy management within the community, that offer a high potential in generating sustainable businesses and a strong basis for circular economy models.
Jury appraisal
Showcasing the possible intervention in Mahim Koliwada, the project suggests in a very realistic and convincing way how the Koliwadas of Mumbai can acquire a new centrality in the city’s layout and economic organization. The LafargeHolcim Awards jury Asia Pacific recognized that operations of this kind can effectively bring new social and economic legitimacy to remote districts of Mumbai and help avoid long-distance commuting. The quality of the drawings that skillfully communicate the idea of a respectful and considerate transformation was found highly commendable.