Telecommunication Infrastructures

Iojann Restrepo, Alejandro Vargas & Daniel Felipe Zuluaga, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín, Medellín, Colombia
Peripheries of Globality – Telecommunications Infrastructures: A Methodological Model for Landscape Integration
Nowadays, telecommunications are one of the main engines of global economic development by supporting digital relationships in the era of globalization and generating an unprecedented increase in the number of its infrastructures; This last, essential for the growing modern habits of interconnectivity.
Paradoxically the communities in which these generic infrastructures are inserted, strongly refuse to live with them based on the belief that they generate health issues and that they cannot establish a relationship with the landscape nor a symbolic relationship with the territory they transform.
According to what is previously mentioned, how, from architecture, can we respond to these problems, improving the energetic, programmatic and environmental performance of both infrastructures and the communities associated with them?
From a multidisciplinary and multi-scalar perspective this research project seeks, to propose a model that integrates these infrastructures into the contexts where they are inserted, hoping that it would be replicable, scalable and sustainable. In addition, these infrastructures would understand and adapt to the landscape (climatological, technical, iconic and cultural conditions of each place). Promoting spaces for social encounters, environmental education and cultural exchange. Leading to a local understanding of a worldwide problem.