Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

Norman Foster Foundation

Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

Norman Foster Foundation

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    The workshop looked at how the various stakeholders can meet demand for housing in cities while exploring what architecture and design can do to meet the challenge.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Stuart Smith during his introduction to the Workshop at the Norman Foster Foundation’s Library.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Tatiana Bilbao during her seminar, “The House as a Social Care Act”.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Maria Vassilakou during her seminar at the Norman Foster Foundation’s library.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Alejandro Aravena during his seminar, pictured at the Norman Foster Foundation’s library.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Jonathan Ledgard during his seminar, "Marking Time", at the Norman Foster Foundation’s library.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Peter van Assche at the Norman Foster Foundation’s library during his seminar on regenerative thinking.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    The question-and-answer portion of the debate, extended the discussions with questions from multidisciplinary student attendees.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Norman Foster in conversation with Alejandro Aravena moderated by Stuart Smith.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Scholars Nabila Pranoto and Ismaeel Davids during a working session at the Norman Foster Foundation’s Research Unit.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Leticia Izquierdo, Ming Fricke and Maria Papadimitraki (l-r) during a working session at the Research Unit of the Norman Foster Foundation.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Academic Body members Tatiana Bilbao and Peter van Assche with scholars Michael Zajakowski, Shannon Hui and Keiron de Nobriga during a working session at the Modelmaking Unit of the Norman Foster Foundation.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Workshop Mentor Stuart Smith with scholars Ismaeel Davids, Parshav Sheth, Nabila Pranoto and Amna Pervaiz during a working session.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Laura Viscovich, Executive Director of the Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction during her presentation held at the Norman Foster Foundation’s library.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Norman Foster, Laura Viscovich and Stuart Smith in discussion with scholars and Academic Body during the scholars’ introductory presentations.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Ismaeel Davids is a Master of Architecture student at the University of Cape Town, South Africa and was a selected scholar at the Norman Foster Foundation Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022 supported by the Holcim Foundation.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Visit to Acciona Ombú in Madrid.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Marcus Ming Fricke is an Honors Graduate from the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) and Masters student in Resource Efficient and Sustainable Building at the Technische Universität München (TUM) in the pursuit of regenerative design, and was a selected scholar at the Norman Foster Foundation Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022 supported by the Holcim Foundation.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Norman Foster with Francisco Sáenz Guerra and scholars at El Ruedo.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Norman Foster with Mentor Stuart Smith, Academic Body members and scholars at VPP Vallecas.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Scholars and Academic Body members during the visit of CC121 Collective Housing.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Scholar presentation on Theresienwiese, Munich, Germany: Marcus Ming Fricke, Leticia Izquierdo, and Maria Papadimitraki.

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    Cities: Affordable Housing Workshop 2022

    Scholar presentation on East Garfield Park, Chicago, USA: Shannon Hui, Keiron Curn de Nobriga, and Michael Zajakowski Uhll.

The Holcim Foundation supported the Norman Foster Foundation workshop Cities: Affordable Housing held in Madrid in November 2022. With contributions from a multidisciplinary range of leading experts, the workshop addressed the provision of affordable housing in cities of different contexts globally. The workshop looked at how the various stakeholders can meet demand for housing in cities while exploring what architecture and design can do to meet the challenge.

Academic Body Members

Selected Scholars

  • Ismaeel Davids

    Student at University of Cape Town (UCT)

    South Africa

  • Keiron Curn de Nobriga

    Cornell University


  • Marcus Ming Fricke

    Technische Universität München (TUM)


  • Shannon Hui

    Graduate School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation (GSAPP), Columbia University


  • Leticia Izquierdo

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


  • Maria Papadimitraki

    Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC)


  • Amna Pervaiz

    Graduate School of Design (GSD), Harvard University


  • Nabila Larasati Pranoto

    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich)


  • Parshav Sheth

    City and Technology (Cand T), Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC)


  • Michael Zajakowski Uhll

    Graduate School of Design (GSD), Harvard University



Marcus Ming Fricke, Leticia Izquierdo and Maria Papadimitraki

The group explored the possibilities of diversifying the use of a zone underused in the center of the city that is Theresienwiese, that is a forty hectares undeveloped land used only during two weeks for the Oktoberfest. This land is very close to the center and central station and could be a great opportunity to develop a hybrid model of housing buildings that allowed its use during those two weeks for the traditional parties without leaving the land underused for the rest of the year in a city that needs a lot of housing projects.

On the ground floor the program included many services and flexible uses that could be interchangeable for when the Oktoberfest was in place and an intervention to regrow nature in the land that had been cover by concrete for years, bringing back nature to coexist with the housing developments and to improve community building in the area.

Exploring the architectural solutions that might work in this area, the group decided to include on the first floor of the housing buildings a buffer zone to distance the public and private programs and a modular project to let the users participate in the design of their houses.

Contents Report - The House as a Social Care Act

Scholar Presentations

Marcus Ming Fricke, Leticia Izquierdo and Maria Papadimitraki

The group explored the possibilities of diversifying the use of a zone underused in the center of the city that is Theresienwiese, that is a forty hectares undeveloped land used only during two weeks for the Oktoberfest. This land is very close to the center and central station and could be a great opportunity to develop a hybrid model of housing buildings that allowed its use during those two weeks for the traditional parties without leaving the land underused for the rest of the year in a city that needs a lot of housing projects.

On the ground floor the program included many services and flexible uses that could be interchangeable for when the Oktoberfest was in place and an intervention to regrow nature in the land that had been cover by concrete for years, bringing back nature to coexist with the housing developments and to improve community building in the area.

Exploring the architectural solutions that might work in this area, the group decided to include on the first floor of the housing buildings a buffer zone to distance the public and private programs and a modular project to let the users participate in the design of their houses.