Inspiring young professionals to lead the transformation of the building sector
Holcim Awards Next Generation winners from The Americas celebrated in Córdoba
Celebrating the inspiring young professionals to lead the transformation of the building sector - winners of the Holcim Awards Next Generation prizes.
Holcim Awards Next Generation winners from The Americas celebrated in Córdoba
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Holcim Awards Next Generation prize handover, Códoba, Argentina - September 2022
The Next Generation prize handover was hosted by Faculty of Architecture, Urban & Industrial Design (FAUD) at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), as part of the Holcim Foundation’s global network of leading technical universities.
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Holcim Awards Next Generation prize handover, Códoba, Argentina - September 2022
On participatory design: “Professional knowledge is one type of expertise. Street wisdom is another. We need both types of knowledge to tackle difficult questions.” - Holcim Foundation Board Member and Pritzker Architecture Prize 2016 laureate Alejandro Aravena (Chile)
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Holcim Awards Next Generation prize handover, Códoba, Argentina - September 2022
A workshop on sustainable design including a keynote address by Alejandro Aravena discussed the relationship between design work and the natural ecosystem to move towards a more sustainable way of living or how architecture can unfold democratization processes that advocate equality and social justice.
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Holcim Awards Next Generation prize handover, Códoba, Argentina - September 2022
Danielle Gregorio (centre), a student at the University of São Paulo, Brazil congratulated by Laura Viscovich, Executive Director of the Holcim Foundation (Switzerland), and Loreta Castro Reguera, Taller Capital (Mexico) and Head of the Holcim Awards jury for Latin America.
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Holcim Awards Next Generation prize handover, Códoba, Argentina - September 2022
Presentation to Next Generation 3rd prize winner for Latin America (l-r): Laura Viscovich, Holcim Foundation (Switzerland), Pablo Goldin Marcovich, a student at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City and Loreta Castro Reguera, Taller Capital (Mexico) and Head of the Holcim Awards jury for Latin America.
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Holcim Awards Next Generation prize handover, Códoba, Argentina - September 2022
Presentation to Next Generation 4th prize winners for Latin America (l-r): Laura Viscovich, Holcim Foundation (Switzerland), Jhon Salazar Ruiz, Juan Camilo Muñoz and Lina Fernanda Valencia Lozano, students at the University of Valle, Cali, Colombia and Loreta Castro Reguera, Taller Capital (Mexico) and Head of the Holcim Awards jury for Latin America.
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Holcim Awards Next Generation prize handover, Códoba, Argentina - September 2022
Presentation to Next Generation 2nd prize winner for North America (l-r): Laura Viscovich, Holcim Foundation (Switzerland), Daniel Gonzalez, student at the University of Waterloo, Canada and Loreta Castro Reguera, Taller Capital (Mexico) and Head of the Holcim Awards jury for Latin America.
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Holcim Awards Next Generation prize handover, Códoba, Argentina - September 2022
Presentation to Next Generation 4th prize winner for North America (l-r): Laura Viscovich, Holcim Foundation (Switzerland), Phoebe Mankiewicz of the Yale University School of Architecture, New Haven, USA and Loreta Castro Reguera, Taller Capital (Mexico) and Head of the Holcim Awards jury for Latin America.
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Holcim Awards Next Generation prize handover, Códoba, Argentina - September 2022
Presentation to Next Generation 1st prize winner for Europe (l-r): Loreta Castro Reguera, Taller Capital (Mexico) and Head of the Holcim Awards jury for Latin America with Annik Keoseyan from Mexico City for Transforming Collectivity in Belgium and Holcim Group Executive Committee Member and Region Head Latin America Oliver Osswald.
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Holcim Awards Next Generation prize handover, Códoba, Argentina - September 2022
Presentation to Next Generation 1st prize winner for Asia Pacific (l-r): Holcim Argentina CEO, Christian Dedeu, with Soledad Patiño, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA for Recovered Foreshore in India and Loreta Castro Reguera, Taller Capital (Mexico) and Head of the Holcim Awards jury for Latin America.
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Holcim Awards Next Generation prize handover, Códoba, Argentina - September 2022
"Beyond giving the winners their prizes, the event's main objective was to give them, finally, an opportunity to network with like-minded experts who are passionate about sustainable construction.” - Laura Viscovich, Executive Director of the Holcim Foundation (Switzerland)
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Memorandum of Understanding signing - September 2022
The MoU between UNC’s Faculty of Architecture, Urban & Industrial Design (FAUD) and the Holcim Foundation was signed by Laura Viscovich, Executive Director of the Holcim Foundation (left) and Mariela Marchisio, Vice-Rector of the National University of Cordoba.
Last updated: October 17, 2022 Córdoba, Argentina
Passion for sustainable construction
The Next Generation prizes were presented in the presence of Holcim Foundation Board Member and Pritzker Architecture Prize 2016 laureate Alejandro Aravena (Chile), Holcim Group Executive Committee Member and Region Head Latin America Oliver Osswald, and Holcim Argentina CEO, Christian Dedeu. The winners received their trophies from Laura Viscovich, Executive Director of the Holcim Foundation (Switzerland), and Loreta Castro Reguera, Holcim Awards Gold winner (2018), Design Director and Founder of Taller Capital (Mexico) and Head of the Holcim Awards jury for Latin America (2020).
Next Generation Awards Lab - Córdoba 2022
The Holcim Foundation brought together young architects, engineers and urban planners from across The Americas to network with like-minded experts. The Holcim Awards winners in the young professionals category presented their ideas for transforming the building sector, and the workshop examined how to make their solutions a reality.
"Beyond giving the winners their prizes, the event's main objective was to give them, finally, an opportunity to network with like-minded experts who are passionate about sustainable construction," said Viscovich.
The Holcim Awards are the world’s most significant competition for sustainable design. The Next Generation category honors innovative concepts that show how students and young practitioners are prepared to explore new ways to achieve a sustainable future. It opens a window of opportunity to identify conceptual visions and ideas that stretch conventional notions of sustainable construction.

Winning a Holcim Awards prize has helped me to become a ‘voice’ - and led to several conversations with other architects. Annik Keoseyan Next Generation prize winner
Koseyan and her peers traveled to Córdoba to take part in a workshop on sustainable design and attend a keynote address by Alejandro Aravena, who received a Doctor Honoris Causa from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. The participants discussed the relationship between design work and the natural ecosystem to move towards a more sustainable way of living or how architecture can unfold democratization processes that advocate equality and social justice.
While fulfilling these concurrent objectives, sustainable construction also involves concerns for the aesthetic quality of the built environment, its architecture, its infrastructure, and its urban organization, all attuned to the specificities of local culture as well as global commonalities.
A Stronger Presence in Latin America
A Memorandum of Understanding between UNC’s Faculty of Architecture, Urban & Industrial Design (FAUD) and the Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction was signed during the event.
To promote sustainability in construction globally, the Holcim Foundation has established a network of renowned technical universities on all continents. This network has fifteen member universities globally and also includes the Universidad Iberoamericana de México (IBERO), Mexico and Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil in Latin America.
Memorandum of Understanding signing - September 2022
The MoU between UNC’s Faculty of Architecture, Urban & Industrial Design (FAUD) and the Holcim Foundation was signed by Laura Viscovich, Executive Director of the Holcim Foundation (left) and Mariela Marchisio, Vice-Rector of the National University of Cordoba.
Next Generation prizes presented in Córdoba
The next (7th cycle) of the Holcim Awards competition will be conducted in 2023/2024. Subscribe to our online newsletter to be updated on the competition schedule.